Monday, June 16, 2008

Cross-country travel

I am home, my baggage isn't.

I think that's pretty much how it goes these days, right? Either you get horribly delayed, or your baggage does.

And woe betide you if you use two different airlines to make a trip, even if those nice internet booking sites suggest it as a great idea. Because you'll be bounced between the two airlines with each claiming that the other has the responsibility for lost suitcases.

Ah well. No biggie. No harm done, as it's all only stuff after all. At least nobody lost my embryos!


bleu said...

Welcome home, now you can say you have no baggage.

BigP's Heather said...

Lost baggage sucks but at least it happened on the trip home and not out there...

Anonymous said...

Sarah...wishing you the best on this final cycle for giggles! I know how much you want, and certainly deserve this last shot!

DC said...

Ugh. Why can't the airlines get their sh*t together?!? I mean, how hard can it be to put suitcases on the same flight as their owner?? Sorry. :(

Sam said...

Yay! and Boo! I guess they could have lost you? Would that be worse or better...I am not sure.