Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The tantrum

So, this morning, I not only got annoyed with my kitty at banging her tail against my keyboard while I was surfing, I ended up having a foot stamping, hand flapping tantrum at her while I went "nnnggggghhhhh" in frustration. Which caused her to look at me in some alarm, as I've never done that before (well, not since I was about 5, I suppose), and she shot off the desk and out to the relative safety of the living room. I do not know if there was any cowering in fright going on, because by the time I calmed down and went to look for her, she was sitting quite serenely on the coffee table, looking at me as if I'd gone completely insane. Whereupon I apologized to her, reminded her that I would never EVER hurt her, and bribed her with a can of her favorite super-expensive cat food. At this rate, lupron is going to get pretty pricey! Although in my defense, she had also pooped on the floor in front of her kitty litter box, and whined at me to get up before my alarm went off, both of which raise my blood pressure. But then again, having said that, she does do both of those quite regularly so I should bloody well be used to them by now.

Oh, the joys of hormones. I'm also getting a headache. And if my boss messes with the thermostat again today because he's a bit hot, I may have to kill him. I mean, OK, I'll shortly be having hot flashes so it'll probably be good to be sitting in an ice box, but until then it is not making me happy.

In non-TTC news, I decided to get a move on with re-roofing my house, so I started calling roofing companies yesterday. What a difference a quiet hurricane season makes! I'd called a few at the beginning of the year, but could not get anyone to even give me an estimate as my roof wasn't actually leaking. This time they are falling over themselves to give me an estimate, and I got my first one in writing within hours of me starting to call. And it wasn't as much money as I was expecting, so that's good. Less than two IVF cycles - because of course that's now how I rate the expense of everything. It's kind of like those BK ads where people think in terms of crispy chicken nuggets (or whatever they are). 20,000 bacon double cheeseburgers? 2 IVF cycles? Bargain!

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