Friday, January 12, 2007

Dither, dither, dither

I am still struggling mightily with the decision of which clinic to go to. Do I just trust that Big New Clinic is the one? Or do I do as has been suggested, and set up consultations with others too? But then how to I make the decision at the end of the day? I'm not going to be basing it on who cracked the best jokes, and how do I really know if one clinic's EPP is going to be better for me than another's coculture or another's Lovenox. Or whatever. It's all just guesswork. My horoscope for the day says:

A difficult decision isn't going to get easier, no matter how long you wait.
Find a quiet spot and search your heart and mind for clues as to how to proceed.
Looking for a definite lead will provide you with direction.

Pretty apt, huh? But where, pray, does one find this definite lead that will provide me with direction? If I had a definite lead, I wouldn't be still struggling on this, now would I?

1 comment:

bleu said...

Hi sweets,
I hate this all for you. I absolutely hate that you are going through any of this. I want so much more and different for you.
So as to the decision, it sorta seems to me you had already made a decision. I may be hugely mistaken, but it seemed to me when you mentioned the possibility of working at an office of your company in the sity of one clinic that it was the decision to go with for many reasons. One being that it "worked" so well, being able to still work while taking a few months in that city with the clinic there.
Maybe not, but I truly believe if you get quiet and still and listen to yourself you will know the answer. It may take some time to get the nagging voices to shut up but if you get there you will know.

Much love