Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wringing hands and wondering

This morning's pee fest didn't really turn up anything different from yesterday.

The ept is perhaps a smidge darker than yesterday morning's. Definitely darker than yesterday afternoon's, but that's not hard seeing as that one is pretty near impossible to see. Maybe a disinterested person would say "wait, there might be a shadow on here" today. Maybe the scanner would pick it up if the lighting were right. The Accuclear has another faint line, much like yesterday's. Maybe a teeny smidge lighter than yesterday's.

So, I'm still too afraid to say that this is a real positive. Shouldn't they be darker this morning? I mean, it's 14DPO after all! I'd have expected nice dark(ish) lines by 14DPO. Anyway, they are lines and that's what matters, so I'm just going to say I'm cautiously optimistic, but I'm going to wait until good beta results before I actually say the "p" word. The beta is tomorrow, so at least I'll know fairly quickly.

And yes, I'll probably buy more tests tonight and do some more testing later. You know, just in case I'm one of those afternoon people who gets better pee stickage in the afternoon.


Care said...

I think you have good reason to be cautiously optomistic - you are consistantly seeing lines, and I think that is a really really good thing! I was still getting pretty faint lines at 13-14 dpo - after getting super faint take-test-apart-and-squint lines at around 10 dpo. I'm praying your beta tomorrow is ++++++!

Calliope said...


I agree with Care- the "something" that is showing up is consistantly something.

how the hell are you coping?????
anxiously waiting to scream hurrah from a roof top...

Anonymous said...

My lines were also still pretty faint at 13dpo (the last day I tested). I too wanted them to be those nice, dark lines I'd heard about. But my beta was definitely positive (188 at 14dpo), so don't worry about how light or dark the lines are. You've got two lines!!!!! I'm so excited for your beta tomorrow. Might one of these afternoon tests be a digital? I finally started believing the other HPTs when I saw the word "Pregnant" on the digital.