Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does it matter?

Does it matter if you make an offering to Buddha and your cat goes and sneakily laps up the water at random moments? Is it sacrilege?

And does it offend Buddha if you tell said cat that she's a bad girl and scold her for drinking Buddha's water? Especially if you may or may not have bopped her on the nose* right in front of Buddha's picture.

I think if I don't get a boyfriend out of this, I am going to blame the cat. Dagnabbit. And I was already planning the wedding. Oh well, maybe Buddha will forgive us if we're lucky.

*not hard, of course.

1 comment:

Care said...

Hmmm, maybe you should offer the cat to Buddha too. Or hey, if it works, the cat can be in the wedding - although I can't picture a cat walking down the isle.